
2006年02月15日 来源:FT中文网


  审计年度  毕马威(KPMG)对《金融时报》MBA调查与排名中所涉及的商学院的部分数据进行了取证并实施了特定的审计流程,并提供了审计结果报告。

  当前薪资  毕业后三年的平均薪资。三年的薪资数字来自于2004、2005和2006年的调查反馈。数字以美元计。该项未作为排名指标。





















  KEY(weights are in brackets)

  Audit year  KPMG reported on the results of obtaining evidence and applying specified audit procedures relating to selected data provided for the Financial Times MBA survey ranking for selected business schools.

  Salary Today  An average of salaries– three years after graduation– from the 2004,2005 and 2006 surveys. The figure is in US dollars and is NOT used in the ranking.

  Weighted Salary(20)The average“salary today”with adjustment for salary variations between industry sectors. The figure is a weighted average of salaries three years after graduation from the 2004,2005 and 2006 surveys and is in $US.

  Salary percentage increase(20)The percentage increase in salary from the beginning of the MBA to three years after graduation. The figure is a weighted average of the increases from the 2004,2005 and 2006 surveys.

  Value for money(3)The value for money criterion is a short term indicator calculated using the salary earned by alumni three years after graduation and course costs,including the opportunity cost of not working for the duration of the course.

  Career progress(3)The degree to which alumni have moved up the career ladder three years after graduating. Progression is measured through changes

  in level of seniority and the size of company in which they are employed. The data in this field have been combined with career progress results from the MBA 2005 and MBA 2004 surveys.

  Aims achieved(3)The extent to which alumni fulfilled their goals or reasons for doing an MBA. This is measured as a percentage of total returns for a school.

  Placement success(2)The percentage of alumni,who graduated in 2002,that gained employment with the help of career advice. The data is presented as a rank. The figure behind the rank is a weighted average of the placement success results from MBA 2004,2005 and 2006.

  Alumni recommendation(2)Alumni of 2002 were asked to name three business schools from which they would recruit MBA graduates. The figure represents the number of votes received by each school. The data are a weighted average from the 2004,2005 and 2006 surveys and are presented as a rank.

  Employed at three months(2)The percentage of the most recent graduating class that had gained employment within three months. The figure in brackets is the percentage of the class on which the school was able to provide employment data.

  Women faculty(2)Percentage of female faculty.

  Women students(2)Percentage of female students.

  Women board(1)Female members of the advisory board,as a percentage.

  International faculty(4)The percentage of faculty whose nationality differs from their country of employment.

  International students(4)The percentage of international students.

  International board(2)The percentage of the board whose nationality differs from the country in which the business school is situated.

  International mobility(6)A rating system that measures the degree of international mobility based on the employment movements of alumni between the time prior to their MBA and graduation and the time between graduation and today.

  International experience(2)Weighted average of four criteria that measure international exposure during the course.

  Languages(2)Number of additional languages required on completionof the MBA. Where a proportion

  of students require a furtherlanguage due to an additional diploma,that figure is included in the calculations but not presented in the final table.

  Faculty with doctorates(5)Percentage of faculty with a doctoral degree.

  FT Doctoral rating(5)Number of doctoral graduates from the last three academic years with additional weighting for those graduates taking up a faculty position at one of the top 50 schools in MBA 2005.

  FT Research rating(10)A rating of faculty publications in 40 international academic and practitioner journals. Points are accrued by the business school at which the author is presently employed. Adjustment is made for faculty size.

