
2008年06月13日 来源:考研教育网

  国外一位著名的语言学家曾经说过“A word has no meaning unless it is used in a text.”(“一个词本身是毫无意义的,除非把它运用到一个文本中”)。文学名著无疑是最理想的文本。在名著中常常会有涉及到考研英语中的长难句,同学们也可以在繁重的复习之余,从名著中培养一下自己的语感。在欣赏名著的同时,培养英语阅读技巧与运用能力同时也可以在中文的对照中学习翻译的技巧。


  一、原文:For Jerusha and the ninety-odd other children in the orphanage, the first Wednesday of every month was quite a torturous day. On this day, each child had to be clean and well-groomed, every corner in every room had to be neat and tidy, every floor had to sparkle, and every bed had to be made perfectly flat so that the tiniest wrinkle would not show. All of this preparation was to get ready for the visit of the Trustees of the orphanage which always fell on this day. Each child had been told time and again that if a Trustee were to ask him or her a question, he or she was to answer in a clever and respectful way.


  二、原文:Jerusha was the oldest child in the orphanage she was already 18 years old. According to the rules, the orphanage only had to keep children up until the age of 16, but Jerusha was an exception. Because her grades were quite good, the orphanage decided to let her continue her studies and allowed her to go to the high school in town. At this point, Jerusha had just graduated from high school and was just staying to help out around the orphanage.

